Marketing Steps offers a suite of services crafted by the experts at TriShulla, LLC, a small business dedicated to supporting other small businesses in the Madison, Wisconsin area. For more information about our company and services, visit
The 'Find My Business' service from Marketing Steps helps potential customers discover your business, while the 'Find Me Customers' service assists businesses in finding potential customers through both inbound and outbound marketing strategies.
Information Technology
Nikhil is the founder of Marketing Steps and the owner of TriShulla LLC. He is our Technologist & Data Scientist. He brings over 25 years of experience leading IT projects for startups, big businesses and government. He specializes in IT and Data Analytics to solve Complex Problems and Automate Business Processes.
Digital Marketing
Saumil has 10 years of experience in delivering world class web and mobile experiences for brands and businesses. He specializes on social media usability, search engine optimization, and various web-marketing tools and techniques.
Business Strategy
Keenan is our business strategist who oversees business and organizational development. He brings over 35 years of experience spanning Higher Education, Corporate America, private consulting, local government and non profit management.
Business Intelligence & Market Research
Kelly has supported small businesses with market research to find new customers and markets for nearly 20 years. She is a business intelligence specialist focused on helping small businesses grow through market research and futures thinking.